CONTENTSSummarySports Business Writing Places Actor / Comedian / Presenter / Model (Male) Actor / Comedian / Presenter / Model (Female) Screen Director / Producer Music Visual Art Science and Astrology Trouble Politics Metaphysical SUMMARYThese are lists of famous persons (and events and other entities) born with Pallas in Aries, harvested from Astrotheme. The lists are very roughly sorted into astrological categories (sports as the first house, arts as the fifth, etc). Here we see (as with Pallas in the First House,) people who may exhibit a talent for action or self-assertion.SPORTSTyson, MikeIrwin, Steve Rodriguez, Alex Williams, Venus Aldrin, Buzz Bilzerian, Dan (poker) Iverson, Allen Frazier, Joe King, Billie Jean Manning, Peyton Wawrinka, Stanislas (tennis; known for power) Aikman, Troy Connors, Jimmy Harden, James Hart, Carey Klitschko, Wladimir Kwan, Michelle Lambiel, Stephane Noah, Joakim (father was famous tennis player Yannick) Thompson, Klay Ueshiba, Morihei Allen, Ray Azarenka, Victoria Ballesteros, Seve Caprioti, Jennifer Hamilton, Bethany Kramnik, Vladimir (chess) Mutombo, Dikembe Namath, Joe Palmer, Arnold Paul, Chris (statistically the greatest NBA point guard of all-time) Wilson, Torrie Anissina, Marina Ashe, Arthur Gasol, Pau Gronkowski, Rob Hart, Bret Ivey, Phil (considered the best poker player in the world) Layfield, John (WWE; real-life successful stock market investor) Morgan, Alex Strawberry, Darryl Thorpe, Jim Berra, Yogi Bobet, Louison Johnson, Jimmy (Hall of Fame NFL coach) Manning, Eli Morphy, Paul (chess prodigy) Newton, Cam (No. 1 overall pick in 2011 NFL draft; his career is following an Aries path of early rise/stardom and subsequent burnout due to injuries/poor technique [opposite sign from Libra]) Suleymanoglu, Naim (“Bulgarian-Turkish World and Olympic Champion in weightlifting. He won three Olympic Championships, seven World Championships and six European Championships and earned 46 world records.” [Astrotheme]) Villaneueve, Jacques (racing driver from a racing family) Wie, Michelle (precocious tennis phenom; a fine career, but didn’t live up to her potential/hype) Bautista, Jose (contemporary MLB slugger; odd career path--an extremely late-bloomer) Boonen, Tom (bicycle racer) Garcia, Lillian (WWE) Hardaway, Tim (All-Star NBA point guard of the ‘90s) Mesa, Jose (well-known MLB closer of the ‘90s and early ‘00s) Patterson, Floyd (boxer) Schilling, Curt (the famous “bloody sock” game; was the ace who helped the Red Sox overcome the “curse”—archetypal Aries hero storyline/performance) Stockton, John (NBA legend, all-time assists & steals leader by a country mile) Bradley, Bill (HOF basketball player, U.S. Senator) DeRozan, DeMar (decent NBA basketball player who can score inefficiently but that’s about it) Ilgauskas, Zydrunas (NBA player—very good but not great) Renteria, Edgar (All-Star MLB shortstop in his day) BUSINESSChanel, CocoRamsay, Gordon Abramovich, Roman (oil billionaire) Morgan, J.P. Allen, Paul Ferrero, Michele Kenzo Lauder, Estee Chan, Priscilla (wife of Zuckerberg) Saatchi, Charles Wales, Jimmy Astor, John Jacob (1st prominent member of the Astor family, first multi-millionaire in the US.) WRITINGKafka, FranzAlighieri, Dante Anderson, Hans Christian Bacon, Francis Ibsen, Henrik Shepard, Sam Steinbeck, John Wallace, David Foster Walsh, Neale Donald Hill, Napoleon Williams, Tennessee Palahniuk, Chuck Stine, R.L. Auden, W. H. Heaney, Seamus Herbert, Frank Adams, Scott (Dilbert) Day, Dorothy (journalist-turn-activist) Ellison, Harlan (American sci-fi writer, prolific and influential; outspoken, combative personality.”) Ortega y Gasset, Jose Tennyson, Alfred Giovanni, Nikki PLACESUnited KingdomSan Jose, California ACTOR / COMEDIAN / PRESENTER / MODEL (MALE)Brand, RussellDe Niro, Robert Gosling, Ryan Gyllenhaal, Jake Hemsworth, Liam Maguire, Tobey McGregor, Ewan Neeson, Liam Radcliffe, Daniel Swayze, Patrick Tatum, Channing Day-Lewis, Daniel Del Toro, Benicio McQueen, Steve Rourke, Mickey Sandler, Adam Schwimmer, David Smith, Jaden Wood, Elijah PewDiePie Affleck, Casey Broderick, Matthew Buscemi, Steve Cusack, John Hasselhoff, David Lundgren, Dolph Peck, Gregory Sutherland, Keifer Aykroyd, Dan Chase, Chevy Crystal, Billy Duncan, Michael Clarke Goodman, John Hackman, Gene McDowell, Malcolm Prinze Jr., Freddie Ray J Rooney, Mickey Pauly D Springer, Jerry Jeremy, Ron Armison, Fred Day, Charlie Jaa, Tony Lutz, Kellan Majors, Lee Lauer, Matt Rivera, Geraldo Gleason, Jackie Key, Keegan-Michael Reinhold, Judge Sands, Julian Howard, Leslie Sanders, George Ward, Bill Blitzer, Wolf Milonakis, Andy (congenital growth-hormone condition - appearance and voice of an adolescent”) Flemyng, Jason Steiger, Rod Michael K. Williams (Omar from The Wire) Gaffigan, Jim ACTOR / COMEDIAN / PRESENTER / MODEL (FEMALE)Berry, HalleDegeneres, Ellen Hayek, Selma Jolie, Angelina Knightley, Keira Theron, Charlize Witherspoon, Reese Kardashian, Kim Carter, Helena Bonham Doherty, Shannen Johnson, Dakota Saint, Sylvia (porn) Cross, Marcia Dench, Julie Dewan, Jenna Dushku, Eliza Larsen, Brie Mara, Rooney MacLaine, Shirley Munn, Olivia O’Donnell, Rosie Ronan, Saoirse Walters, Barbara Brewster, Jordana Cardellini, Linda Dash, Stacy Jones, Rashida Keough, Riley Kelly, Minka Watson, Emily West, Mae Larter, Ali Channing, Stockard McDormand, Frances Menzel, Idina Moynahan, Bridget Steenburgen, Mary Fuentes, Daisy Hutton, Lauren Baquero, Ivana Kozlowski, Linda Olson, Kaitlin Perlman, Rhea Wilson, Debra Reed, Donna Auermann, Nadja McDougal, Karen Weigel, Teri Channing, Carol (3x Tony Award winner) Cheung, Cecilia (actress; wife of Nicholas Tse) Miles, Vera (actress, “Psycho”) Leone, Miriam (Miss Italia 2008) Miller, Alyssa Schnare, Monika (Ford Supermodel of the World at age 14) Jones, Star (“The View”) Angelina, Eva (career porn star) Fields, Gracie Chiminazzo, Jeisa Rodriguez, Patricia Canyon, Christy (porn) Jane, Jesse (porn) SCREEN DIRECTOR / PRODUCERCoppola, Francis FordCoppola, Sofia Abrams, Jonathan Jarmusch, Jim Huston, John Van Sant, Gus Capra, Frank Favreau, Jon Stone, Matt Wilder, Billy Rossellini, Roberto Bruckheimer, Jerry Haggis, Paul (producer/screenwriter; “Million Dollar Baby,” “Crash”) Jones, Duncan (director—“Moon”) MUSIC50 CentAguilera, Christina Bach, Johann Sebastian Bon Jovi, Jon Buckley, Jeff Cobain, Kurt Chopin, Frederic Jackson, Janet Jagger, Mick Kelly, R. Keys, Alicia Morrison, Jim Nicks, Stevie Simpson, Jessica Timberlake, Justin Weeknd, The Allen, Lily Bennington, Chester Evans, Bill Iglesias, Julio Jonas, Joe Mitchell, Joni O’Connor, Sinead Page, Jimmy Richards, Keith Selena Tyler, Steven Vicious, Sid White, Jack Ashanti Avicii Boyd, Brandon (Incubus) Buble, Michael Gaye, Marvin Lewis, Leona Lopes, Lisa “Left Eye” (TLC; died in a car accident at 30) M.I.A. Romeo, Lil Waters, Roger Bolton, Michael Brubeck, Dave Denver, John Eno, Brian Khan, Chaka Mahler, Gustav Manilow, Barry Matthews, Dave Rule, Ja Strummer, Joe Ross, Rick Hammer, M.C. Ronson, Mark Benet, Eric Osmond, Donny Palin, Michael Reubens, Paul Romano, Ray Schwartzman, Jason Ty Dolla Sign Baker, Anita Cam’ron deadmau5 Gossard, Stone (Pearl Jam) Johnson, Robert Lee, Peggy Lil B Newman, Randy Rodriguez-Lopez, Omar (musical savant of At the Drive-In / The Mars Volta) Stradlin, Izzy Albinoni, Tomaso Cantrell, Blu Taboo (Black Eyed Peas) Sinatra, Frank Jr. Ad-Rock (Beastie Boys) Alejandro, Fernandez (“Named "El Potrillo" (The Colt) by media/fans, sold 30 million+ albums.” [Astrotheme]) Guru (one-half of the classic hip-hop group, Gang Starr—the other half being DJ Premier.) GZA Brock, Isaac (Modest Mouse) Kitaro Saadiq, Raphael Bambaata, Afrika (pioneer of hip-hop) Grandmaster Flash VISUAL ARTPrada, MiucciaRembrandt Mathieu, Georges Faberge, Peter Carl (Faberge egg) Johnson, Philip (American architect) SCIENCE AND ASTROLOGYEinstein, AlbertEdison, Thomas von Goethe, Johann Bell, Alexander Graham Goodall, Jane Cainer, Jonathan (astrology) Leary, Tim Neptune, Discovery of Pluto, Discovery of Adler, Alfred Marconi, Guglielmo Perelman, Grigori Vesalius, Andreas Wundt, Wilhelm Ceres, Discovery of Lilly, William Sasportas, Howard Albers, Josef (mathematician) Babbage, Charles Henry (mathematician) Tao, Terence (mathematician) Campion, Nicholas Gauquelin, Francoise Leo, Alan Rogers-Gallagher, Kim Hahn, Otto Westinghouse, George Jacob, Francois (1965 Nobel Prize in Medicine; biologist) Piccard, Auguste (Swiss physicist, inventor) Wolf, Fred Alan (physicist) Broglie, Louis de (French physicist, Nobel laureate) Picard, Jean (astronomer) TROUBLEGein, EdLuciano, Lucky McCann, Madeleine (disappearance; loosely linked to Ghislaine Maxwell) Eastey, Mary (Salem witch trials defendant) Atkins, Susan (Manson murders) Borden, Lizzie Abagnale, Frank Bulger, Whitey Ramsey, John Bennett Roof, Dylan Dugard, Jaycee (abducted as an 11 y/o) Aurora 2012 shooting (“Batman” shooting) POLITICSChurchill, WinstonOnassis, Jacqueline Kennedy Mussolini, Benito Paul II, Pope John de Sade, Marquis Voltaire Cameron, David Epstein, Jeffrey Goebbels, Joseph Gore, Al Kennedy, Caroline Shivaji Arafat, Yasser Bush, Jeb Davis, Angela Gingrich, Newt Kardashian, Robert Kerry, John Kushner, Jared Keynes, John Maynard Obama, Malia Ocasio-Cortez, Alexandria Rubio, Marco Conway, Kellyanne Crockett, Davy Fegelein, Hermann Goldman, Emma Leo, Pope XIII More, Sir Thomas Arnold, Benedict Harrison, William Henry Rothschild, Edouard de Buchanan, James Friedan, Betty (“Second Wave” feminism; “The Feminine Mystique”) North, Oliver (“A veteran of the Vietnam War, North was a National Security Council staff member during the Iran–Contra affair, a political scandal of the late 1980s. It involved the illegal sale of weapons to the Khomeini government of the Islamic Republic of Iran to encourage the release of American hostages then held in Lebanon.” [Wikipedia]) O’Connor, Sandra Day Otto, Rudolf “… eminent German Lutheran theologian and scholar of comparative religion.” Pereire, Emile (“The Péreire brothers were prominent 19th century financiers in Paris, France who were rivals of the Rothschilds.” [Astrotheme]) Rich, Adrienne (feminist) Rwandan Genocide METAPHYSICALGoodman, LindaSteiner, Rudolf Williamson, Marianne Maharaj, Nisargadatta Rawat, Prem Narayananda, Swami Saraswati, Swami Paramananda Cooper, William (one of the greatest alternative media personalities in contemporary America; called 9/11 a few weeks before it happened; “Behold A Pale Horse”) Flora, Hillary (“… an American mystical child. She has the strange talent to become so heavy that nobody can move her. She is invited at psychic conventions in Europe and Japan.” [Astrotheme] “She can also prevent a strong man from rising with one finger restraining him. Her strange talent was discovered in June 1990 when she was just five years old. At a psychic convention in Scottsdale, it was found that she could channel energy away from others and from her environment for high energy and psychokinetic phenomena. She began at that time to demonstrate her healing ability. … She was the only baby to be born at the local medical center on the day of her birth. [Wikipedia]) Johari, Harish (contemporary spiritual teacher and Vedic astrologer; I have his book on the Chakras, and it’s absolutely awesome and something I consistently refer back to) Saint-Yves d'Alveydr, Alexandre (occultist; “… French occultist who adapted the works of Fabre d'Olivet and, in turn, had his ideas adapted by Papus. He coined the term Synarchy - the association of everyone with everyone else.” [Astrotheme]) Addey, John (famous British astrologer; also crippled as a youth and for the remainder of his life) Sitchin, Zecharia (ancient astronauts/Annunaki/Nibiru theory) Shoshame (mystic) Write to me at "alan" + "@" + "". Pallas in Signs, Houses, and Aspect Interpreting Pallas HOME |