CONTENTSSummarySports Business Writing Places Actor / Comedian / Presenter / Model (Male) Actor / Comedian / Presenter / Model (Female) Screen Director / Producer Music Visual Art Science and Astrology Trouble Politics Metaphysical SUMMARYThese are lists of famous persons (and events and other entities) born with Pallas in , harvested from Astrotheme. The lists are very roughly sorted into astrological categories (sports as the first house, arts as the fifth, etc). Here we see (as with Pallas in the Xx House,) people who .SPORTSCena, JohnFederer, Roger Mayweather Jr., Floyd Nadal, Rafael Zidane, Zinedine (one of greatest soccer stars; infamous headbutt in the 2006 World Cup Finals v Italy) Cuban, Mark (owner of Dallas Mavs; got his wealth in the dotcom bubble) Hagler, Marvin Rollins, Seth Carter, Vince Couture, Randy Guerrero, Eddi Solo, Hope Graham, Martha Gasquet, Richard (tennis player) Rudolph, Wilma (sprinter, 3x Olympic gold medalist) Di Stefano, Alfredo Leconte, Henri Messner, Reinhold Richard, Maurice ("The Rocket") Ivey, Phil (widely considered the poker GOAT) Hamilton, Scott Guerrero, Eddie (LATINO! HEAT! One of the GOAT wrestlers, R.I.P.) Johnson, Michael Milutinovic, Bora Rollins, Seth Sale, Jamie Carter, Vince Chara, Zdeno (NHL) Couture, Randy Griner, Brittney Gehrig, Lou “Rowdy” Roddy Piper Tillman, Pat (quit NFL to enroll in the Army, died in action, turned into a hero ~Afghanistan era) Wall, John Beltran, Carlos (MLB) Dorsett, Tony (NFL) Kiprusoff, Miika (NHL -- Played for the Flames) Leslie, Lisa Marbury, Stephon (NBA) Moss, Randy (NFL) Rubio, Ricky (NBA) Sykora, Petr Wall, John (NBA) Wells, John (MLB) BUSINESSEllison, Larry (Oracle)Flynt, Althea (a wife/business-partner of Larry) Child, Julia Dorsey, Jack Pichai, Sundar Pinsky, Drew Puck, Wolfgang Dolce, Domenico Michelin, Francois (businessman) Winklevoss Twins WRITINGKeller, HelenOrwell, George Ginsberg, Allen Shelley, Percy Bysshe Atwood, Margaret Haley, Alex Potter, Beatrix Bachmann, Ingeborg Cervantes, Miguel de Lem, Stanislas Burgess, Anthony Brooks, Gwendolyn Krakauer, Jon PLACESACTOR / COMEDIAN / PRESENTER / MODEL (MALE)Bloom, OrlandoBurton, Tim Chan, Jackie Depp, Johnny Douglas, Michael LaBeouf, Shia Pacino, Al Reynolds, Ryan Seinfeld, Jerry Travolta, John Martin, Dean Moore, Michael C.K., Louis Bell, Jake Boseman, Chadwick Howard, Ron Myers, Mike Schreiber, Liev Isaacs, Jason Quaid, Dennis Scott, Sean William Sutherland, Donald Wayans, Marlon Griffith, Andy Hope, Bob Kinnear, Greg Shalhoub, Tony Van Der Beek, James Oliver, John Foxworthy, Jeff Richards, Michael Guttenberg, Steve Penn, Kal Burton, Tim Douglas, Kirk Murray, Chad Michael (One Tree Hill) Welling, Tom (Smallville) Arnaz, Desi Bell, Drake Lipnicki, Jonathan Pearce, Guy William Scott, Seann Harris, Richard Thomas, Jonathan Taylor Benny, Jack Cazale, John McElhenney, Rob Cronkite, Walter White, Jaleel (Urkel) Horn, Roy (Siegfried & Roy) Miller, Dennis Jeffries, Jim Lange, Artie Linkletter, Art ACTOR / COMEDIAN / PRESENTER / MODEL (FEMALE)Gellar, Sarah Michelle (Buffy the Vampire Slayer)Lohan, Lindsay Monroe, Marilyn Olsen, Mary-Kate & Ashley Streep, Meryl Vergara, Sofia Hunt, Helen Silverstone, Alicia Bassett, Angela Blair, Selma Deschanel, Emily Gabor, Zsa-Zsa Moss, Carrie-Anne Rudolph, Maya Falco, Edie Ford, Melyssa Richards, Brooke Chastain, Jessica (big year in 2011 – Pallas in Aqu March to mid-Aug) Duvall, Shelley Hasselbeck, Elizabeth Johnston, Kirsten Parker, Molly Mizuhara, Kiko Roberts, Ashley Walcottt, Jennifer Robinson, Anne (“You are the weakest link – goodbye!”) SCREEN DIRECTOR / PRODUCERBrooks, MelGondry, Michel Friedkin, William Russell, David O. Villaneuve, Denis Wan, James (The Conjuring) MUSICJackson, MichaelKnowles, Beyonce Knowles, Solange Madonna Martin, Chris (Coldplay) Shakira Turner, Tina West, Kanye Michael, George Braxton, Toni Charles, Ray Fitzgerald, Ella Hudson, Jennifer Jones, Tom Malone, Post Thicke, Robin Dickinson, Bruce Hill, Faith Richie, Lionel Shinoda, Mike Tankian, Serj Cyrus, Noah (Miley/Billy Ray family; youngest) Spector, Phil White, Barry Gray, Macy Hyman, Phyllis Fatone, Joey Keef, Chief Bush, Kate Lipa, Dua Halliwell, Geri (Spice Girls – “Ginger Spice”) Staley, Layne (Alice in Chains frontman) Taylor, Roger Meddows (Queen) Moore, Thurston Flame, Waka Flocka Houston, Marques Elgar, Edward M. Shadows McCoy, Travis Smith, Bessie Jackson, Tito Praetorius, Michael Pusha T Rollins, Sonny VISUAL ARTSutcliffe, Stuart (painter)Van Gogh, Theo (art dealer, brother of Vincent) SCIENCE AND ASTROLOGYJung, CarlKubler-Ross, Elisabeth Mendeleev, Dmitri Ackerman, Shelley Ebertin, Elsbeth Perry, Glenn Nobel, Alfred Orr, Marjorie (astrologer) Le Verrier, Urbain (discovered Neptune) Ackerman, Shelley (astrology) Pinsky, Drew (“Dr. Drew”) Ebertin, Elsbeth Raman, Bangalor Vankata (astrology) Shugart, Alan (pioneer of disk drive) Waitzkin, Joshua Blaschke, Robert (astrologer) Dobyns, Zipporah Harvey, Charles (astrologer) Hof, Walter (astrologer) TROUBLEDillinger, JohnJames, Jesse (outlaw) Klebold, Dylan (Columbine massacre) Spector, Phil Hearst, Patty Olson, Clifford Payet, Pascal Lucas, Frank Jennings, Sindee (Who’s Nailin’ Palin, XXX) Shepard, Matthew (gay hate crime) POLITICSCaesar, JuliusErdogan, Recep Tayyip Kennedy, John F. Napoleon I Napoleon II Warren, Elizabeth Khrushchev, Nikita United States Constitution (source: Marc Penfield) Wilson, Woodrow Madison, James Paul, Ron Smith, Adam Newsom, Gavin Friedman, Milton Megana, Duchess of Sussex Nightingale, Florence Hess, Rudolf Rashid Al Maktoum, Mohammed Bolivar, Simon Iraq San Diego al-Assad, Hafez METAPHYSICALBailey, AliceBaba, Meher Krishna, Gopi Pierre, Abbe Mary, Mother of God Parker, Kay (porn star turned metaphysical counselor and mentor) Rol, Gustavo Bakker, Jim Leek, Sybil (occultist/astrologer) Write to me at "alan" + "@" + "". Pallas in Signs, Houses, and Aspect Interpreting Pallas HOME |