CONTENTSSummarySports Business Writing Places Actor / Comedian / Presenter / Model (Male) Actor / Comedian / Presenter / Model (Female) Screen Director / Producer Music Visual Art Science and Astrology Trouble Politics Metaphysical SUMMARYThese are lists of famous persons (and events and other entities) born with Pallas in Sagittarius, harvested from Astrotheme. The lists are very roughly sorted into astrological categories (sports as the first house, arts as the fifth, etc). Here we see (as with Pallas in the 9th House,) many sports personalities, writers, and political people.SPORTSBryant, KobeNeymar (futbol) Schumacher, Michael Dempsey, Jack Jones Jr., Roy Joyner, Florence Griffith Kaepernick, Colin Nowitzki, Dirk Petrovic, Drazen Ruth, Babe White, Dana Angle, Kurt Booker, Devin Powell, Asafa Rose, Pete Ball, LaMelo Cosell, Howard O’Neal, Jermaine Walsh, Kerri Williams, Ted BUSINESSJobs, SteveSchmidt, Eric WRITINGBaudelaire, CharlesCamus, Albert Dickens, Charles Dickinson, Emily Dostoyevsky, Fyodor Lee, Stan Russell, Bertrand Eco, Humberto Rice, Anne Seuss, Dr. Hilton, Perez Schulz, Charles Grisham, John Mailer, Norman Updike, John Wilson, Robert Anton PLACESACTOR / COMEDIAN / PRESENTER / MODEL (MALE)Willis, BruceBateman, Jason Bogart, Humphrey Carradine, David Costner, Kevin Dafoe, Willem Farley, Chris Galifianakis, Zach Harris, Ed Jones, Tommy Lee McFarlane, Seth Miller, Ezra Perry, Matthew Perry, Tyler Thornton, Billy Bob Black, Jack Cheadle, Don Cross, David Grammer, Kelcey Meyers, Seth Yun-Fat, Chow Milan, Cesar Jeong, Ken Simmons, J.K. Thompson, Kenan Wayans, Damon Jr. Wayans, Shawn Oswalt, Patton ACTOR / COMEDIAN / PRESENTER / MODEL (FEMALE)Banks, TyraBrie, Alison Gardner, Ava Keaton, Diane Leigh, Vivian (Gone With the Wind) Mowry, Tia & Tamara Dickinson, Janice Moore, Mary Tyler Sawyer, Diane SCREEN DIRECTOR / PRODUCERAniston, JenniferBellucci, Monica Crowe, Russell Duff, Hillary Efron, Zac Franco, James Kutcher, Ashton Norton, Edward Taylor, Elizabeth Zeta-Jones, Catherine Bergman, Ingmar Aronofsky, Darren Lynch, David Stone, Oliver Toro, Guillermo Del Bay, Michael MUSICBeethovenCardi B Dylan, Bob Gomez, Selena Lopez, Jennifer Lorde Lovato, Demi Manson, Marilyn Mercury, Freddie Miller, Mac Minaj, Nicki Ocean, Frank Parton, Dolly Barrett, Syd Brown, Bobby Cash, Johnny Diplo Keenan, Maynard James (Tool) Garfunkel, Art Grohl, Dave Peep, Lil Usher Van Halen, Eddie Vivaldi, Antonio Simon, Paul Bartok, Bel a Bernstein, Leonard Ma, Yo-Yo Mos Def Redding, Otis Williams, John Charlemagne Tha God Technique, Immortal Isley, Ronald VISUAL ARTPicasso, PabloDa Vinci, Leonardo Michelangelo Kooning, Willem de Balenciaga, Cristobal Tussaud, Marie SCIENCE AND ASTROLOGYNietzsche, FriedrichCurie, Marie Campbell, Joseph Confucius Feynman, Richard Oppenheimer, Robert Pascal, Blaise Lavoisier, Antoine Planck, Max Skinner, B.F. Tyl, Noel Berners-Lee, Tim Fuller, Buckminster Herschel, William Malthus, Thomas Pavlov, Ivan Frawley, John Miller, Alice Schmidt, Robert TROUBLESiffredi, RoccoPOLITICSClinton, BillFrancis, Pope Gates, Bill Mandela, Nelson Sanders, Bernie Cheney, Dick Dawkins, Richard Eisenhower, Dwight Franklin, Ben Harris, Kamala Muhammad (speculative by Rodden) Palin, Sarah Roosevelt, Theodore Russia (source: Marc Penfield) Saudi Arabia September 11 Attacks Zelenskyy, Volodymyr Jackson, Jesse Jong, Kim il Kennedy, Ted Rumsfeld, Donald Beck, Glenn Coolidge, Calvin DeSantis, Ron Gregory, Dick Agnew, Spiro Yellen, Janet METAPHYSICALAurobindo, SriGreene, Liz Gurdjieff, George Krishnamurti, Jiddu Rudhyar, Dane Vivekananda, Swami Graham, Billy Fortune, Dion Tsoukalos, Giorgio Write to me at "alan" + "@" + "". Pallas in Signs, Houses, and Aspect Interpreting Pallas HOME |