CONTENTSSummarySports Business Writing Places Actor / Comedian / Presenter / Model (Male) Actor / Comedian / Presenter / Model (Female) Screen Director / Producer Music Visual Art Science and Astrology Trouble Politics Metaphysical SUMMARYThese are lists of famous persons (and events and other entities) born with Pallas in Scorpio, harvested from Astrotheme. The lists are very roughly sorted into astrological categories (sports as the first house, arts as the fifth, etc). Here we may perhaps see (as with Pallas in the 10th House,) many personalities who embody power and/or create new paradigms.SPORTSAli, MuhammadBUSINESSWRITINGPLACESACTOR / COMEDIAN / PRESENTER / MODEL (MALE)Bale, ChristianButler, Gerard DiCaprio, Leonardo Garfield, Andrew Gibson, Mel Grant, Hugh Hemsworth, Christopher McConaughey, Matthew Penn, Sean Phoenix, Joaquin Rickman, Alan Stallone, Sylvester Van Damme, Jean-Claude ACTOR / COMEDIAN / PRESENTER / MODEL (FEMALE)Blanchett, CateHolmes, Katie Kunis, Mila McAdams, Rachel Zellweger, Renee Moss, Kate Jenner, Kris Jenner, Kylie SCREEN DIRECTOR / PRODUCERSpielberg, StevenMUSICAaliyahBono Carey, Mariah Cher Cyrus, Miley Eilish, Billie Jay-Z Rihanna Stefani, Gwen Williams, Robbie Winehouse, Amy VISUAL ARTSCIENCE AND ASTROLOGYHawking, StephenTROUBLEBundy, TedDahmer, Jeffrey POLITICSBush, George W.Trump, Donald METAPHYSICALBlavatsky, HelenaNostradamus Write to me at "alan" + "@" + "". Pallas in Signs, Houses, and Aspect Interpreting Pallas HOME |