CONTENTSSummaryDementia Science Politics Media SUMMARYThe Pallas-Chiron aspect may correlate with dementia. Pallas (intelligence) plus Chiron (injury) appears, at least in our initial surveys, often in the charts of dementia patients.DEMENTIAAaron Copeland - Pallas ruler Saturn conjunct Chiron Glen Campbell - Pallas trine Chiron Charlton Heston - Pallas parallel Chiron Ronald Reagan - Pallas parallel/conjunct Chiron Robin Williams - Pallas novile Chiron which is square Pallas co-ruler Saturn. Charles Bronson - Pallas quadrinovile (exact) Chiron Barry Goldwater - Pallas quintile Chiron Rita Hayworth - Chiron conjunct midpoint of Pallas and Pallas ruler Jupiter. SCIENCEPALLAS CONJUNCT CHIRON Alois Alzheimer - Psychiatrist and neuropathologist. Viktor Frankl - Psychologist. PALLAS OPPOSITE CHIRON Discovery of Chiron - Nov 1 1977 10am Pasadena CA Andrea Gehrz - Astrologer. PALLAS TRINE CHIRON Stanislav Grof - Psychology pioneer. Covid-19 First Case - Nov 17 2019 Wuchang China PALLAS SESQUIQUADRATE CHIRON John P Holdren - Obama science advisor. PALLAS SEMISQUARE CHIRON Sam Harris - Celebrity atheist. PALLAS QUINCUNX CHIRON Christina Grof - Psychologist. Stephen Hawking - Physicist/cosmologist. PALLAS PARALLEL CHIRON Stanislav Grof - Psychology pioneer. Covid-19 First Case - Nov 17 2019 Wuchang China PALLAS CONTRAPARALLEL CHIRON Gustave Eiffel - Architect. POLITICSPALLAS CONJUNCT CHIRON Chicago - Aug 17 1803 chart. Wesley Clark - Warrior/politician. Neal Boortz - Libertarian/conservative talk show host. Tom Brokaw - Journalist. John Dewey - Civil reformer. Rodrigo Duterte - Filipino politician. Catherine Austin Fitts - Government whistleblower. Barney Frank - Politician. Mohandas Gandhi - Political activist. Republican Party - Feb 28 1854 9pm Ripon WI. Sean Hannity - Conservative pundit. Auberon Herbert - Classical liberal philosopher. Atom Bombing of Hiroshima - Aug 6 1945 8:15am. Adolf Hitler - Politician. Hong Xiuquan - Messianic Chinese revolutionary. Jörg Guido Hülsmann - Austrian School economist. PALLAS OPPOSITE CHIRON Smedley Butler - Most decorated US Marine in history, turned anti-war activist. Dogecoin - Dec 8 2013 Portland OR. Keith Ellison - Politician. Nick Gillespie - Libertarian journalist. Doris Kearns Goodwin - Political biographer. Thomas Aquinas - Theologian/philosopher. Humanae Vitae - Papal encyclical on birth control etc. PALLAS TRINE CHIRON Hugo Chavez - Commie politician. Dick Cheney - Neoconservative politician. Christopher Columbus - Explorer/conqueror. William Norman Grigg - Libertarian author. Hawaii - (US statehood Aug 21 1959 10:10 Honolulu). PALLAS SQUARE CHIRON Lord Acton - Historian/politician. Barbara Boxer - Califoria US Senator, now lobbyist. Noam Chomsky - Linguist/activist. Anders Breivik - Commie-killer. Jon Corzine - Banker/politician. End of WWI - Nov 11 1918 11am Copiegne, France. Facebook - Feb 4 2004 3pm Harvard MA. Justin Fairfax - American politician. Rob Ford - Infamous Toronto mayor. Gay Marriage SCOTUS Ruling - Jun 26 2015 10am DC. William Godwin - Utilitarian/anarchist philosopher. Alan Grayson - Liberal American politician. Che Guevara - Revolutionary poster-boy. Warren Harding - US President. Kamala Harris - Politician. Hungary 1872 - Dec 22 1872 0:01am Budapest PALLAS SEXTILE CHIRON Michael Hastings - Investigative journalist. Raymond C. Hoiles - Libertarian-leaning newspaper publisher. PALLAS QUINTILE CHIRON Barry Goldwater - Conservative/libertarian politician. Greece - Jul 24 1974 4am Athens. Jack Hunter - Conservative pundit. Iceland - Jun 17 1944 2pm Reykjavik. David Icke - Conspiracy theory king. Queen Elizabeth II - Monarch. PALLAS SESQUIQUADRATE CHIRON Joseph Farah - Conservative journalist. Al Gore - Global Warming propheteer. Samuel Edward Konkin III - Libertarian/agorist philosopher. PALLAS SEMISQUARE CHIRON Tenzin Gyatso - 14th Dalai Lama. Daniel Hannan - Conservative politician. Arianna Huffington - Left-wing media mogul. PALLAS NOVILE CHIRON Thom Hartmann - Progressive commentator. Irving Louis Horowitz - Sociologist. PALLAS QUINCUNX CHIRON Recep Tayyip Erdogan - Turkish politician. France (Fifth Republic) - Oct 6 1958 6:30pm Paris. Milton Friedman - Economist. Gab Dissenter launch - Feb 24 2019 Clarks Summit PA. Joe Garcia - Florida politician. Hong Kong - Jan 26 1841 12:01pm. PALLAS SQUINE CHIRON Alexander Hamilton - Statesman, politician, "Founding Father". Elizabeth Holmes - Silicon Valley con artist. Steven Horwitz - Austrian School economist. Hungary 1989 - Oct 23 1989 Budapest. PALLAS PARALLEL CHIRON George Carlin - Comedian / social-critic. Raul Castro - Politician. George HW Bush - President of USA. Joseph Déjacque - Early libertarian theorist. Desmond Doss - Nonviolent war hero. George Floyd - Criminal / leftist martyr. CL Franklin - Minister, activist, father of Aretha. Gab Dissenter launch - Feb 24 2019 Clarks Summit PA. James P Gray - Libertarian jurist. Melissa Harris-Perry - Academic/pundit. Hong Xiuquan - Messianic Chinese revolutionary. PALLAS CONTRAPARALLEL CHIRON Voltairine de Cleyre - Anarcho-feminist. Desi Bouterse - President of Suriname. Human rights violator? Enabling Act of 1889 - US expansion, Dakota split. Maastricht Treaty - Nov 1 1993 12:01am. Joseph Farah - Conservative journalist. Federal Reserve Act - Financial-political coup. Al Franken - Comedian/politician. Milton Friedman - Economist. Joe Garcia - Florida politician. Timothy Geithner - Obama Treasury Secretary. Daniel Hannan - Conservative politician. Raymond C. Hoiles - Libertarian-leaning newspaper publisher. Max Horkheimer - Frankfurt School theorist. Hungary 1989 - Oct 23 1989 Budapest. MEDIAPALLAS CONJUNCT CHIRON Herbie Hancock - Jazz piano superstar. Linda Hamilton - "Terminator" actress. PALLAS OPPOSITE CHIRON Warren Ellis - Comic book author. Daniel Craig - Actor who plays a spy. Anne Hathaway - Actress. PALLAS TRINE CHIRON HAL 9000 - Urbana, Illinois, January 12, 1992. Chris Cornell - Pallas trine Chiron Rocker. PALLAS SQUARE CHIRON Gaye Nelson - Astrologer/actress. Paula Deen - Celebrity chef. Asia Kate Dillon - Film/television star. Paul Haggis - Screenwriter/producer/director. Ice Cube - Rapper/actor. PALLAS QUINTILE CHIRON Benny Hinn - Televangelist. Victor Hugo - Romantic author. PALLAS SEXTILE CHIRON Melissa George - Film/television star. Cary Grant - Film star. PALLAS SEPTILE CHIRON Walter Gropius - Bauhaus architect. PALLAS SESQUIQUADRATE CHIRON Stephane Grappelli - Jazz violinist. Robert Heinlein - The "dean of science fiction writers". PALLAS SEMISQUARE CHIRON Professor Griff - Rapper. Stuart Hall - TV/radio presenter / pedophile. Audrey Hepburn - Iconic actress. PALLAS QUINCUNX CHIRON Mark Twain - Author. Dick Gregory - Comedian/activist. Oscar de la Hoya - Champion boxer. PALLAS PARALLEL CHIRON L Ron Hubbard - Founder of Scientology. Tom Cruise - Actor. Charlton Heston - Actor/activist. Benny Hinn - Televangelist. PALLAS CONTRAPARALLEL CHIRON Julia Child - Chef/spy. Daniel Craig - Actor who plays a spy. Samuel Edward Konkin III - Libertarian/agorist philosopher. Write to me at "alan" + "@" + "". Interpreting Pallas HOME |