CONTENTSSummarySpirituality Politics Science Media Sports SUMMARYThe Pallas-Descendant aspect seems correlatable with charisma. Pallas (intelligence) plus Descendant (relationships) appears in many horoscopes of persons with great charm/charisma. This placement may suggest increased general intelligence.SPIRTUALITYPALLAS CONJUNCT DESCENDANT Shoko Asahara - Spiritual teacher. POLITICSPALLAS CONJUNCT DESCENDANT Nicolae Ceausescu - Politician. Francisco Franco - Politician. Kamala Harris - Politician. PALLAS TRINE DESCENDANT Rahm Emanuel - Left-politician. PALLAS PARALLEL DESCENDANT Rahm Emanuel - Left-politician. Republican Party - Feb 28 1854 9pm Ripon WI. Hungary 1872 - Dec 22 1872 0:01am Budapest SCIENCEPALLAS CONJUNCT DESCENDANTGalileo Galilei - Astronomer/physicist/engineer. MEDIAPALLAS CONJUNCT DESCENDANT Robert Downey Jr - Hyper-charismatic actor. Frank Herbert - Author/creator of "Dune". PALLAS SQUARE DESCENDANT Johnny Cash - Country music legend. SPORTSPALLAS CONJUNCT DESCENDANT Tiger Woods - Golfer. Kobe Bryant - Pallas quincunx Moon at Descendant Basketball legend. Write to me at "alan" + "@" + "". Interpreting Pallas HOME |