CONTENTSSummarySports Business Writing Places Actor / Comedian / Presenter / Model (Male) Actor / Comedian / Presenter / Model (Female) Screen Director / Producer Music Science and Astrology Trouble Politics Metaphysical SUMMARYThese are lists of famous persons (and events and other entities) born with Pallas in the Second House, harvested from Astrotheme. The lists are very roughly sorted into astrological categories (sports as the first house, arts as the fifth, etc). One may notice an unusually high number of persons on these lists who are notable for beauty, charisma, and/or mastery of aesthetics (the latter seems especially noticeable in the writers and musicians listed here). The type of charisma that appears here may be more immediate and superficial than the sort which seems to accompany Pallas in the Seventh House.SPORTSAikman, TroyBerra, Yogi Cantona, Eric Cena, John Cobb, Ty Crosby, Sidney Daly, John DiMaggio, Joe Esiason, Boomer Fitzgerald, Larry Hellmuth, Phil Irving, Julius King, Billie Jean Knoxville, Johnny Lidle, Corey Lindros, Eric Mahomes, Pat O'Neal, Shaquille Pele Petit, Bob Petty, Kyle Reed, Willis Roenick, Jeremy Rodman, Dennis Roy, Patrick Sayers, Gale Seed, Huck Seles, Monica Stevens, Scott Westphal, Paul White, Dana Witten, Jason BUSINESSMcQueen, AlexanderVersace, Gianni WRITINGChazal, ClaireDickinson, Emily Hemingway, Ernest Kerouac, Jack Twain, Mark Watts, Alan Auden, W.H. Bronte, Charlotte Carroll, Lewis Cortazar, Julio Flaubert, Gustave Lovecraft, H.P. Mumford, Lewis Rilke, Rainer Maria Roth, James Russell, Bertrand Tagore, Rabindranath Williams, Tennessee Wolfe, Thomas Yeats, William Butler PLACESNepalBerlin (Germany) Buffalo (New York) El Salvador Guatemala Nairobi (Kenya) Melbourne (Australia) Providence (Rhode Island) Qatar St. Paul (Minnesota) Toledo (Ohio) Venice (Italy) Sydney (Australia) Tucson (Arizona) ACTOR / COMEDIAN / PRESENTER / MODEL (MALE)Brand, RussellBridges, Jeff Brody, Adrien Canet, Guillaume Cooper, Bradley Dujardin, Jean Franco, James Hoffman, Philip Seymour Newman, Paul Arbuckle, Fatty Barrymore, John Drew Sutherland, Kiefer Sy, Omar Travolta, John Washington, Denzel Heard, John Jeremy, Ron Mastroianni, Marcello Mintz-Plasse, Christopher Montand, Yves Mohr, Jay Poitier, Sidney Hall, Arsenio Moyers, Bill Rockwell, Sam Stern, Howard ACTOR / COMEDIAN / PRESENTER / MODEL (FEMALE)Arquette, PatriciaBéart, Emmanuelle Bynes, Amanda Deneuve, Catherine Diaz, Cameron Dunst, Kirsten Gainsbourg, Charlotte Greco, Juliette Power, Romina Reid, Tara Roberts, Julia Ryan, Meg Swank, Hilary Daniels, Stormy Deschanel, Emily Girardot, Annie Haddish, Tiffany MacDowell, Andie Posey, Parker Semoun, Elie Shephard, Cybill Tilly, Jennifer Ullman, Tracy MacPherson, Elle Christensen, Helena Hadid, Gigi Huston, Anjelica SCREEN DIRECTOR / PRODUCERAllen, WoodyLynch, David Bigelow, Kathryn Stone, Oliver MUSICCallas, MariaPagny, Florent Aguilera, Christina Argerich, Martha Aznavour, Charles Beethoven, Ludwig von Booba Drake François, Claude (Cloclo) Gilmour, David Grande, Ariana Haroche, Raphael Hendrix, Jimi Kass, Patricia Jhene John, Elton M Pokora Minogue, Kylie Molko, Brian Mozart, Wolfgang Amadeus Morrison, Jim Ora, Rita Pavarotti, Luciano Pink Reznor, Trent Rotten, Johnny Selena Sharyl, Karen Smith, Patti Snoop Dogg Stewart, Rod Swift, Taylor Twain, Shania Tyler, the Creator Urban, Keith West, Kanye Zazie Bashung, Alain Beatz, Swizz DeLonge, Tom Diamond, Neil Harris, Ed Hilson, Keri Lemercier, Valerie Liberace Logic Maxwell McCartney, Linda Nelson, Willie Schubert, Franz Tyga Van Halen, Eddie Vaughn, Stevie Ray Wang, Jackson Toto SCIENCE AND ASTROLOGYArmstrong, Neil Carver, George Washington Dewey, John Gould, Stephen Jay Gottlieb, Sidney Janet, Pierre McKenna, Terence Mead, Margaret Reich, Wilhelm Tesla, Nikola Wozniak, Steve Sasportas, Howard Sepharial Sputnik 1 Laboure, Denis Crane, Joseph Gravelaine, Joelle Gruetzner, Horst Jensen, Joyce Laboure, Denis Sheeran, Bill TROUBLELaVey, AntonRamsey, JonBenet Sandy Hook Elementary School Shooting September 11 Attacks Space Shuttle Challenger Disaster Chapman, Mark David POLITICSBarack ObamaCasiraghi, Andrea Berlusconi, Silvio Harry, Prince Gaulle, Charles de Kennedy, Robert F. Luciano, Lucky Nixon, Richard Reagan, Ronald Stalin, Josef Armistice with Germany in 1918 Ashton, Joseph Aurelius, Marcus Caligula Carnegie, Andrew Charles VII of France Chomsky, Noam Cleaver, Eldridge Farrakhan, Louis Frederick III, German Emperor Getty, J. Paul Gingrich, Newt Gunther, Hans Hidalgo, Annie Jackson, Prince Michael Jr. James, Jesse Johnson, Lyndon B. Lieberman, Joe Louis-Dreyfus, Robert Nader, Ralph Nero Pope Clement VIII Pope Gregory VIII Pope Innocent XI Pope Paul III Pope Pious XI Rajapaksa, Mahinda Ryan, Paul Sadat, Anwar Saddam, Execution of Hussein Schlesinger, Arthur Jr. Scott King, Coretta Sevaried, Eric Trump, Tiffany Wiesel, Elie William IV of the United Kingdom METAPHYSICALDidier, YaguelGurdjieff, G.I. Campbell, Joseph Derlich, Didier Gurdjieff, G.I. Kriyananda, Swami Mother Meera Redfield, James Write to me at "alan" + "@" + "". Pallas Through the Signs and Houses Interpreting Pallas HOME |