CONTENTSSummarySociopolitical Art/Entertainment Philosophy Sports Antropological SUMMARYThe Pallas-Jupiter aspect is the aspect of the statesman, lawyer, mass-communicator, and teacher. Pallas (intelligence) plus Jupiter (law, mass communication) seems to suggest the potential to command intellectual and communications systems. This aspect also seems (among others) to be correlated with general intelligence. In the charts of politically active persons, discordant aspects between Pallas and Jupiter may indicate a willingness to believe that "the end justifies the means" and that unethical behavior is acceptable or even necessary "for the greater good".SOCIOPOLITICALPALLAS CONJUNCT JUPITER George Carlin - Social critic and comedian. Howard Zinn - Social critic and historian. Madeleine Albright - Former US Secretary of State. George Soros - Billionaire media mogul. Neal Boortz - Libertarian/conservative talk show host. Covid-19 - Naming chart, Feb 11 2020. Covid-19 Pandemic Declaration - Mar 11 2020. Rodrigo Duterte - Filipino politician. John Edwards - Politician. Gustave Eiffel - Architect. Rahm Emanuel - Left-politician. Father Yod - Spiritual guru. CL Franklin - Minister, activist, father of Aretha. Thomas Friedman - Political pundit. William Godwin - Utilitarian/anarchist philosopher. Google - Sep 4 1998 Menlo Park CA. Republican Party - Feb 28 1854 9pm Ripon WI. Ronald Hamowy - Libertarian scholar. Atom Bombing of Hiroshima - Aug 6 1945 8:15am. Saddam Hussein - Politician. PALLAS OPPOSITE JUPITER Adolph Hitler - Politician. Winston Churchill - Politician. Elizabeth Warren - Politician. Department of Homeland Security - Political construct. Charles Manson - Community organizer. Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi - Community organizer. Anders Breivik - Communist-killer. Sara Aldrete - Leader of drug-smuggling and human sacrifice cult. Smedley Butler - Most decorated US Marine in history, turned anti-war activist. Nicolae Ceausescu - Politician. European Union - Mar 25 1957 630pm Rome. Justin Fairfax - American politician. Joe Garcia - Florida politician. Daniel Hannan - Conservative politician. Michael Hastings - Investigative journalist. PALLAS TRINE JUPITER Richard Branson - Businessman. Matt Drudge - Internet news king. David Duke - "White Power" crusader. Gudrun Ensslin - Red Army Faction leader. Maastricht Treaty - Nov 1 1993 12:01am. Tulsi Gabbard - Politician. Gay Marriage SCOTUS Ruling - Jun 26 2015 10am DC. John P Holdren - Obama science advisor. Arianna Huffington - Left-wing media mogul. Samuel Edward Konkin III - Libertarian/agorist philosopher. PALLAS SQUARE JUPITER Benito Mussolini - Politician. Hillary Clinton - Politician. George HW Bush - Politician. Maximilien Robespierre - Political revolutionary. Christopher Columbus - Explorer/conqueror. John Brown - Violent abolitionist. Mitt Romney - Politician. Gretchen Carlson - Journalist. Douglas Coe - Evangelical power-broker. Michael Cohen - Trump's "fixer"? Jack Dorsey - Twitter/Square founder. Julius Evola - Right-wing philosopher. Irving Fisher - Celebrity economist. Barney Frank - Politician. Viktor Frankl - Psychologist. Grover Furr - Extreme-left academic. Hunter Biden - Troubled son of Joe. Barry Goldwater - Conservative/libertarian politician. Ulysses S Grant - Warrior/politician. Glenn Greenwald - Journalist. Harry Hopkins - FDR advisor. Jörg Guido Hülsmann - Austrian School economist. PALLAS QUINTILE JUPITER Che Guevara - Revolutionary poster-boy. Irving Louis Horowitz - Sociologist. PALLAS SEXTILE JUPITER Rudy Giuliani - Attorney/politician. Stanislav Grof - Psychology pioneer. Chuck Hagel - Politician. Auberon Herbert - Classical liberal philosopher. Eric Holder - US Attorney General (Obama). Hong Kong - Jan 26 1841 12:01pm. PALLAS SEPTILE JUPITER Thom Hartmann - Progressive commentator. Benny Hinn - Televangelist. PALLAS SESQUIQUADRATE JUPITER Benjamin Franklin - "The First American". Glenn Beck - Political pundit. Owen Benjamin - Right-wing comedian. Steven Horwitz - Austrian School economist. Hungary 1872 - Dec 22 1872 0:01am Budapest PALLAS SEMISQUARE JUPITER Greece - Jul 24 1974 4am Athens. Elizabeth Holmes - Silicon Valley con artist. PALLAS NOVILE JUPITER Antonio Gramsci - Marxist philosopher. PALLAS QUINCUNX JUPITER Desmond Doss - Nonviolent war hero. Enabling Act of 1889 - US expansion, Dakota split. First Episcopal Bishop Elected - Mar 25 1783 Woodbury CT. Jack Fertig - Astrologer/activist. Gab beta launch - Aug 15 2016 3p San Mateo CA. Germany - May 5 1955 12pm Bonn. Joseph Goebbels - Nazi propaganda minister. Doris Kearns Goodwin - Political biographer. Christina Grof - Psychologist. Alexander Hamilton - Statesman, politician, "Founding Father". PALLAS SQUINE JUPITER Milton Friedman - Economist. Tenzin Gyatso - 14th Dalai Lama. Michael Avenatti - Trump-fighter, lawyer, would-be politician. PALLAS PARALLEL JUPITER Prescott Bush - Banker, politician, patriarch. Germany - May 5 1955 12pm Bonn. Germaine Greer - Radical feminist. Thomas Aquinas - Theologian/philosopher. Glenn Beck - Political pundit. Steven Horwitz - Austrian School economist. PALLAS CONTRAPARALLEL JUPITER Chris Cuomo - Television journalist. Jeffrey Epstein - Financier/pedophile/spy. Julius Evola - Right-wing philosopher. David Frum - Political pundit. ART/ENTERTAINMENTPALLAS CONJUNCT JUPITER Orson Welles - Master of broadcast media. Helen Gurley Brown - Cosmopolitain Magazine. Bill Cosby - Comedian. Danny DeVito - Comedian/actor. Louis CK - Comedian. Jane Fonda - Actress/activist. Morgan Freeman - Actor. Anne Hathaway - Actress. PALLAS OPPOSITE JUPITER Bob Dylan - Singer/songwriter. TS Eliot - Poet. Tom Hanks - Actor. Davis Guggenheim - Director/producer. PALLAS TRINE JUPITER Jeane Dixon - Psychic/astrologer. Jeff Fager - TV producer. Bobby Fischer - Chess wizard. Norman Foster - Architect. Aretha Franklin - Singer. David S Goyer - Screenwriter/filmmaker. Cary Grant - Film star. PALLAS SQUARE JUPITER Herbie Hancock - Jazz piano superstar. Eminem - Rapper. Curt Cobain - Rocker. Monte Farber - Psychic/astrologer. Grimes - Pop musician. Walter Gropius - Bauhaus architect. HAL 9000 - Urbana, Illinois, January 12, 1992. PALLAS QUINTILE JUPITER Stuart Hall - TV/radio presenter / pedophile. Oscar de la Hoya - Champion boxer. PALLAS SEPTILE JUPITER Stephane Grappelli - Jazz violinist. PALLAS SESQUIQUADRATE JUPITER Frank Herbert - Author/creator of "Dune". L Ron Hubbard - Founder of Scientology. Henrik Ibsen - Playwright. PALLAS SEMISQUARE JUPITER Jian Ghomeshi - Musician/broadcaster. PALLAS QUINCUNX JUPITER Linda Hamilton - "Terminator" actress. Rita Hayworth - Film star. Christian Howes - Jazz violinist. PALLAS PARALLEL JUPITER Russell Brand - Comedian. Dick Gregory - Comedian/activist. PALLAS CONTRAPARALLEL JUPITER James Gunn - Filmmaker. PHILOSOPHYPALLAS CONJUNCT JUPITER Francis Bacon - Philosopher, statesman, developer of the scientific method. James Hynes - mathematician and Western sidereal astrologer. PALLAS SQUARE JUPITER Hannah Arendt - Philosopher and political theorist. PALLAS TRINE JUPITER Augustine of Hippo - Theologian/philosopher. Gary Chartier - Philosopher. PALLAS SEXTILE JUPITER Rene Descartes - Philosopher. PALLAS QUINTILE JUPITER Sam Harris - Celebrity atheist. PALLAS QUINCUNX JUPITER Thomas Aquinas - Theologian/philosopher. Stephen Hawking - Physicist/cosmologist. PALLAS PARALLEL JUPITER Thomas Aquinas - Influential philosopher, theologian, and jurist in the tradition of scholasticism. SPORTSPALLAS OPPOSITE JUPITER Lance Armstrong - Cyclist. PALLAS TRINE JUPITER Royce Gracie - Martial artist. PALLAS CONTRAPARALLEL JUPITER Royce Gracie - Martial artist. ANTHROPOLOGICALAn earlier version of this page originally appeared here. Write to me at "alan" + "@" + "". Interpreting Pallas HOME |