CONTENTSSummaryMedia Politics Science SUMMARYThe Pallas-MC aspect seems correlatable with persons or entities known for their skill, ethics, or intelligence. This placement is one of a few that may suggest increased general intelligence.MEDIAPALLAS CONJUNCT MC Douglas Adams - Author. Michael Douglas - Actor. Johnny Cash - Country Singer. Megan Fox - Actress/model. PALLAS TRINE MC David Duke - "White Power" crusader. PALLAS PARALLEL MC Robert Hand - Astrologer. James Woods - Actor. Conservative. Reported IQ of 180. L Ron Hubbard - Founder of Scientology. POLITICSPALLAS CONJUNCT MC Rob Ford - Infamous Toronto mayor. Joseph Goebbels - Nazi propaganda minister. Iceland - Jun 17 1944 2pm Reykjavik. PALLAS SQUARE MC End of WWI - Nov 11 1918 11am Copiegne, France. Francisco Franco - Politician. PALLAS SESQUIQUADRATE MC Queen Elizabeth II - Monarch. PALLAS PARALLEL MC Cory Booker - Politician. John Edwards - Politician. PALLAS CONTRAPARALLEL MC Rob Ford - Infamous Toronto mayor. PALLAS QUINCUNX MC Rahm Emanuel - Left-politician. Write to me at "alan" + "@" + "". Interpreting Pallas HOME |