CONTENTSSummarySociopolitical Science Media SUMMARYThe Pallas-Mercury aspect is the aspect of the Demiurge, the builder of worlds. Pallas (intelligence) plus Mercury (language, communication) seems to indicate the potential for high analytical ability and "weaponizable" communication skill. It also seems to be correlated with general intelligence, logical reasoning ability, and conscientiousness.SOCIOPOLITICALPALLAS CONJUNCT MERCURY Martin Luther King, Jr. - An extremely persuasive speaker. Malcolm X - Political crusader. Ralph Nader - Political crusader. Alexsandr Solzhenitsyn - Political crusader. Ayn Rand - Political crusader. Rush Limbaugh - Political crusader. Niccolo Machiavelli - Political strategist. Harvey Milk - Political crusader. Shinzo Abe - Politician. Keith Ellison - Politician. Tom Woods - Political crusader (libertarian). Etienna de la Boetie - Early libertarian theorist. Howard Buffett - Businessman/politician, father of Warren. Albert Camus - Philosopher/author. Rachel Carson - Biologist/activist. Theodore Dalrymple - Cultural critic. Desmond Doss - Nonviolent war hero. Rahm Emanuel - Left-politician. Ferguson, Missouri - Embattled town. Eleanor Flexner - Womens' studies pioneer. Norman Foster - Architect. CL Franklin - Minister, activist, father of Aretha. Joe Garcia - Florida politician. Nick Gillespie - Libertarian journalist. Antonio Gramsci - Marxist philosopher. Baron Haussmann - Renovator of Paris. Henry Hazlitt - Political journalist. Abbie Hoffman - Activist. Eric Holder - US Attorney General (Obama). Hong Kong - Jan 26 1841 12:01pm. PALLAS OPPOSITE MERCURY William F Buckley Jr - Conservative intellectual. First Bitcoin Trade - May 22 2010 3:01:08pm Jacksonville FL Walter Buch - High Nazi official Gay Marriage SCOTUS Ruling - Jun 26 2015 10am DC. Joseph Goebbels - Nazi propaganda minister. PALLAS TRINE MERCURY Smedley Butler - Most decorated US Marine in history, turned anti-war activist. Lord Acton - Historian/politician. Jerome Corsi - Political journalist. Steven Crowder - Right-wing commentator/comedian. David Duke - "White Power" crusader. Daniel Ellsberg - Pentagon whistleblower. Irving Fisher - Celebrity economist. Barney Frank - Politician. Francis Fukuyama - Political theorist. James P Gray - Libertarian jurist. Arianna Huffington - Left-wing media mogul. PALLAS SQUARE MERCURY Ann Coulter - Pundit. Douglas Coe - Evangelical power-broker. Angela Davis - Liberal activist. John Dewey - Civil reformer. Maastricht Treaty - Nov 1 1993 12:01am. Facebook - Feb 4 2004 3pm Harvard MA. Hermann Goering - Nazi. Emma Goldman - Left-anarchist. Herbert Hoover - Politician. Max Horkheimer - Frankfurt School theorist. PALLAS QUINTILE MERCURY Hong Xiuquan - Messianic Chinese revolutionary. Humanae Vitae - Papal encyclical on birth control etc. PALLAS SEXTILE MERCURY Louis Farrakhan - Nation of Islam leader. Benjamin Franklin - "The First American". Betty Friedan - Feminist. Gettysburg Address - Nov 19 1863 3pm. Ulysses S Grant - Warrior/politician. Germaine Greer - Radical feminist. Sean Hannity - Conservative pundit. Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - Philosopher. Adolf Hitler - Politician. Harry Hopkins - FDR advisor. Steven Horwitz - Austrian School economist. PALLAS SEMISQUARE MERCURY Dinesh D'Souza - Conservative pundit. Richard Epstein - Libertarian scholar. Glenn Greenwald - Journalist. PALLAS NOVILE MERCURY Amy Goodman - Liberal journalist. Kamala Harris - Politician. Jörg Guido Hülsmann - Austrian School economist. PALLAS SESQUIQUADRATE MERCURY Dianne Feinstein - Politician. PALLAS QUINCUNX MERCURY Tucker Carlson - Conservative journalist. Howar Dean - Liberal politician. Rodrigo Duterte - Filipino politician. Rob Ford - Infamous Toronto mayor. Germany - May 5 1955 12pm Bonn. William Godwin - Utilitarian/anarchist philosopher. Google - Sep 4 1998 Menlo Park CA. Warren Harding - US President. PALLAS SQUINE MERCURY Alexander Hamilton - Statesman, politician, "Founding Father". Ronald Hamowy - Libertarian scholar. Saddam Hussein - Politician. PALLAS PARALLEL MERCURY Bill Clinton - US President. Reported IQ of 180. David Cameron - Conservative UK politician. Prescott Bush - Banker, politician, patriarch. Chuck Baldwin - Political crusader (libertarian). Richard Branson - Businessman. Neal Boortz - Libertarian/conservative talk show host. Jerome Corsi - Political journalist. Tom Cotton - Politician. Davey Crockett - Folk hero and politician. Dogecoin - Dec 8 2013 Portland OR Jack Dorsey - Twitter/Square founder. David Duke - "White Power" crusader. Louis Farrakhan - Nation of Islam leader. Father Yod - Spiritual guru. France (Fifth Republic) - Oct 6 1958 6:30pm Paris. Germany - May 5 1955 12pm Bonn. Arianna Huffington - Left-wing media mogul. David Icke - Conspiracy theory king. PALLAS CONTRAPARALLEL MERCURY Zbigniew Brzezinski - Geopolitical strategist. Theodore Dalrymple - Cultural critic. Jan Brewer - Arizona governor. Bill Gates - Software mogul / vaccine salesman. Hans Hermann Hoppe - Libertarian thinker. Queen Elizabeth II - Monarch. SCIENCEPALLAS CONJUNCT MERCURY Nicolaus Copernicus - Scientist. Yvonne Choquet-Bruhat - Mathematician/physicist. Christina Grof - Psychologist. James Hynes - mathematician and Western sidereal astrologer. PALLAS SQUARE MERCURY Richard Dawkins - Biologist / atheist. PALLAS SEXTILE MERCURY Stanislav Grof - Psychology pioneer. Francis Bacon - Philosopher, statesman, developer of the scientific method. Robert Hand - Astrologer. John P Holdren - Obama science advisor. PALLAS SEPTILE MERCURY Sam Harris - Celebrity atheist. PALLAS SEMISQUARE MERCURY Michel Broue - Mathematician. Christiaan Huygens - Mathematician, physicist, astronomer, inventor. PALLAS PARALLEL MERCURY Viktor Frankl - Psychologist. Francis Bacon - Philosopher, statesman, developer of the scientific method. MEDIAPALLAS CONJUNCT MERCURY Will Ferrell - Funny man. Julia Child - Chef and spy. Mel Gibson - Actor/director. Anne Hathaway - Actress. Philip Seymour Hoffman - Actor. L Ron Hubbard - Founder of Scientology. Henrik Ibsen - Playwright. PALLAS OPPOSITE MERCURY Professor Griff - Rapper. James Gunn - Filmmaker. Bill Cosby - Comedian. Chris Cuomo - Television journalist. PALLAS TRINE MERCURY Herbie Hancock - Jazz piano superstar. Carrie Fisher - Actress/author. Royce Gracie - Martial artist. PALLAS SQUARE MERCURY Sarah Michelle Gellar - "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" actress. Eva Green - Actress. Hugh Hefner - Sex-magazine mogul. Evander Holyfield - Champion boxer. Christian Howes - Jazz violinist. Oscar de la Hoya - Champion boxer. PALLAS SEXTILE MERCURY Alex Garland - Novelist/filmmaker. Melissa George - Film/television star. Cary Grant - Film star. Dick Gregory - Comedian/activist. Audrey Hepburn - Iconic actress. PALLAS QUINTILE MERCURY David S Goyer - Screenwriter/filmmaker. Walter Gropius - Bauhaus architect. PALLAS SESQUIQUADRATE MERCURY Stephane Grappelli - Jazz violinist. Linda Hamilton - "Terminator" actress. Aaron Hernandez - Athlete/murderer. PALLAS QUINCUNX MERCURY Russell Crowe - Macho actor. Ice Cube - Rapper/actor. PALLAS SQUINE MERCURY Boy George - Pop singer. Benny Hinn - Televangelist. PALLAS NOVILE MERCURY Eminem - Rapper. PALLAS PARALLEL MERCURY Robert Crumb - Cartoonist/satirist. Kirsten Dunst - Actress. Bob Dylan - Singer/songwriter. Aretha Franklin - Singer. Professor Griff - Rapper. Victor Hugo - Romantic author. PALLAS CONTRAPARALLEL MERCURY Linda Hamilton - "Terminator" actress. Agatha Christie - Pallas conjunct Mercury-Mars midpoint Mystery author. Write to me at "alan" + "@" + "". Interpreting Pallas HOME |