CONTENTSSummaryArchitecture/Art Sociopolitical Technological Antropological Art/Entertainment SUMMARYThe Pallas-Saturn aspect is the aspect of the designer of structures. Pallas (intelligence) plus Uranus (structure) appears often in the horoscopes of architects of buildings and institutions.ARCHITECTURE/ARTPALLAS CONJUNCT SATURN Frank Lloyd Wright - Architect. Jeff Fager - TV producer. Neil Gaiman - Author. Sarah Michelle Gellar - "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" actress. Frederic August Bartholdi - Sculptor (Statue of Liberty). Bono (U2) - Politically active rock star. Christian Howes - Jazz violinist. PALLAS OPPOSITE SATURN Gustave Eiffel - Architect. Stephane Grappelli - Jazz violinist. Paul Haggis - Screenwriter/producer/director. PALLAS SQUARE SATURN Herbie Hancock - Jazz piano superstar. Georges Braque - Abstract painter. Tom Hanks - Actor. Russell Crowe - Macho actor. Stuart Hall - TV/radio presenter / pedophile. Baron Haussmann - Renovator of Paris. Robert Heinlein - The "dean of science fiction writers". Philip Seymour Hoffman - Actor. PALLAS TRINE SATURN Norman Foster - Architect. Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux - Sculptor. Camille Claudel - Sculptor. Davis Guggenheim - Director/producer. Rita Hayworth - Film star. Audrey Hepburn - Iconic actress. Ice Cube - Rapper/actor. PALLAS QUINTILE SATURN James Gunn - Filmmaker. PALLAS SEXTILE SATURN Morgan Freeman - Actor. Alex Garland - Novelist/filmmaker. Andrea Gehrz - Astrologer. HAL 9000 - Urbana, Illinois, January 12, 1992. Ernest Hemingway - Novelist. PALLAS SEPTILE SATURN Walter Gropius - Bauhaus architect. PALLAS SEMISQUARE SATURN Daniel Chester French - Sculptor (Lincoln monument). PALLAS PARALLEL SATURN Camille Claudel - Sculptor. PALLAS CONTRAPARALLEL SATURN Christian Howes - Jazz violinist. SOCIOPOLITICALPALLAS CONJUNCT SATURN Karl Marx - Architect of Marxism. 1999 Constituent Assembly of Venezuela - The formation of a new political system. Burkina Faso - National chart. Gary Chartier - Philosopher. Covid-19 Pandemic Declaration - Mar 11 2020. Maastricht Treaty - Nov 1 1993 12:01am. Father Yod - Spiritual guru. Irving Fisher - Celebrity economist. David Frum - Political pundit. Jim Garrison - Investigator of JFK assassination. Daniel Hannan - Conservative politician. Hans Hermann Hoppe - Libertarian thinker. Jörg Guido Hülsmann - Austrian School economist. Hungary 1872 - Dec 22 1872 0:01am Budapest Iceland - Jun 17 1944 2pm Reykjavik. PALLAS OPPOSITE SATURN Jon Corzine - Banker/politician. Hillary Clinton - Politician. Walter Block - Quirky/technical libertarian theorist. Randolph Bourne - Political theorist. Thomas Aquinas - Theologian/philosopher. PALLAS TRINE SATURN Nicolae Ceausescu - Politician. Grover Cleveland - Politician. Andrew Breitbart - Political media king. End of WWI - Nov 11 1918 11am Copiegne, France. Gudrun Ensslin - Red Army Faction leader. CL Franklin - Minister, activist, father of Aretha. Thomas Friedman - Political pundit. Tulsi Gabbard - Politician. Joe Garcia - Florida politician. Emma Goldman - Left-anarchist. Barry Goldwater - Conservative/libertarian politician. Republican Party - Feb 28 1854 9pm Ripon WI. Al Gore - Global Warming propheteer. Antonio Gramsci - Marxist philosopher. PALLAS SQUARE SATURN John Bolton - Neoconservative leader. Howard Dean - Democratic Party leader. Morris Dees - Southern Poverty Law Center. Nigel Farage - "Brexit" crusader. Will Ferrell - Funny man. Catherine Austin Fitts - Government whistleblower. France (Fifth Republic) - Oct 6 1958 6:30pm Paris. Hunter Biden - Troubled son of Joe. Gettysburg Address - Nov 19 1863 3pm. James P Gray - Libertarian jurist. Alexander Hamilton - Statesman, politician, "Founding Father". Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - Philosopher. Abbie Hoffman - Activist. Eric Holder - US Attorney General (Obama). Elizabeth Holmes - Silicon Valley con artist. Herbert Hoover - Politician. Steven Horwitz - Austrian School economist. PALLAS QUINTILE SATURN Ulysses S Grant - Warrior/politician. PALLAS SEXTILE SATURN Timothy Geithner - Obama Treasury Secretary. Newt Gingrich - Politician. Che Guevara - Revolutionary poster-boy. Ronald Hamowy - Libertarian scholar. Hawaii - (US statehood Aug 21 1959 10:10 Honolulu). Christopher Hitchens - Anti-theist. Harry Hopkins - FDR advisor. Saddam Hussein - Politician. PALLAS SEPTILE SATURN John P Holdren - Obama science advisor. PALLAS SESQUIQUADRATE SATURN Tenzin Gyatso - 14th Dalai Lama. Thom Hartmann - Progressive commentator. Auberon Herbert - Classical liberal philosopher. Katie Hopkins - Conservative pundit. Queen Elizabeth II - Monarch. PALLAS SEMISQUARE SATURN Dinesh D'Souza - Conservative pundit. David Duke - "White Power" crusader. Michel Foucault - Postmodern philosopher. Sean Hannity - Conservative pundit. Sam Harris - Celebrity atheist. Arianna Huffington - Left-wing media mogul. PALLAS NOVILE SATURN Adolf Hitler - Politician. PALLAS QUINCUNX SATURN Friedrich Engels - Bourgeois communist. Federal Reserve Operational - Death Star activated. James Forrestal - First US Secretary of Defense. Benjamin Franklin - "The First American". Betty Friedan - Feminist. Francis Fukuyama - Political theorist. Joseph Goebbels - Nazi propaganda minister. Gold Comex - Dec 31 1974 12:01am Wall St. Chuck Hagel - Politician. Benny Hinn - Televangelist. PALLAS SQUINE SATURN PALLAS PARALLEL SATURN Francois "Papa Doc" Duvalier - Haitian despot. Andrew Breitbart - Political media king. Randolph Bourne - Political theorist. Dwight Eisenhower - Politician/warrior. Friedrich Engels - Bourgeois communist. Recep Tayyip Erdogan - Turkish politician. Thomas Aquinas - Theologian/philosopher. Alexander Hamilton - Statesman, politician, "Founding Father". PALLAS CONTRAPARALLEL SATURN Enabling Act of 1889 - US expansion, Dakota split. David Frum - Political pundit. Jörg Guido Hülsmann - Austrian School economist. TECHNOLOGICALPALLAS CONJUNCT SATURN Jack Dorsey - Twitter/Square founder. PALLAS TRINE SATURN Stanislav Grof - Psychology pioneer. Stephen Hawking - Physicist/cosmologist. PALLAS SESQUIQUADRATE SATURN Christina Grof - Psychologist. PALLAS QUINCUNX SATURN Michel Broue - Mathematician. Richard Dawkins - Biologist / atheist. ANTHROPOLOGICALART/ENTERTAINMENTPALLAS CONJUNCT SATURN David Duchovny - "X-Files" actor. Professor Griff - Rapper. PALLAS OPPOSITE SATURN Gaye Nelson - Astrologer/actress. Paula Deen - Celebrity chef. PALLAS OPPOSITE SATURN Boy George - Pop singer. PALLAS QUINCUNX SATURN Oscar de la Hoya - Champion boxer. PALLAS PARALLEL SATURN Evander Holyfield - Champion boxer. An earlier version of this page originally appeared here. Write to me at "alan" + "@" + "". Interpreting Pallas HOME |