CONTENTSSummarySociopolitical Art/Entertainment SUMMARYThe Pallas-Sun aspect is the aspect of the paragon, the champion/crusader, and the standard-bearer. Pallas (intelligence) plus the Sun (identity, self-expression) seems to suggest the potential to embody and become a living "avatar" of an ethos or skill. Pallas-Sun natives tend to be natural experts at "personal branding". This is often most obvious in the realm of politics but often extends into the realm of popular culture. Many Pallas-Sun natives possess a permanent "poker-face", rarely or never revealing emotions which are at odds with their purpose. Accordingly, there seem to be an unusually high number of spies or government intelligence assets in this group.SOCIOPOLITICALPALLAS CONJUNCT SUN Ron Paul - The paragon of libertarian politicians. G Edward Griffin - Libertarian author. Percy Bysshe Shelley - Nonviolence, at least in theory. Grover Cleveland - Possibly the most non-authoritarian of all US presidents. Abraham Lincoln - Possibly the most authoritarian of all US presidents. Napoleon Bonaparte - Conquerer/king. Joseph McCarthy - Standard-bearer for anti-communism. Bill O'Reilly - Ever a fighter for the Right-wing. Anderson Cooper - Newscaster and spy. Morris Dees - Southern Poverty Law Center. Gloria Steinem - Avatar of Second Wave Feminism. And spy. Rachel Carson - Biologist/activist. Al Gore - Global Warming propheteer. Muhammad Ali - Heavyweight boxer and anti-war protester. Harvey Milk - Gay political icon. Bob Avakian - The foremost American communist revolutionary. Claude Frederic Bastiat - Early libertarian theorist. Etienna de la Boetie - Early libertarian theorist. Joseph Déjacque - Early libertarian theorist. 1999 Constituent Assembly of Venezuela - Viva la Revolucion? Tony Blair - UK Prime Minister Frank Chodorov - Old Right libertarian. Bernadine Dohrn - Left-militant. Rahm Emanuel - Left-politician. European Union - Mar 25 1957 630pm Rome. Federal Reserve Act - Financial-political coup. Catherine Austin Fitts - Government whistleblower. James Forrestal - First US Secretary of Defense. Milton Friedman - Economist. Joe Garcia - Florida politician. Hunter Biden - Troubled son of Joe. Christina Grof - Psychologist. Stephen Hawking - Physicist/cosmologist. Auberon Herbert - Classical liberal philosopher. Abbie Hoffman - Activist. Elizabeth Holmes - Silicon Valley con artist. Hong Kong - Jan 26 1841 12:01pm. Katie Hopkins - Conservative pundit. Hans Hermann Hoppe - Libertarian thinker. James Hynes - mathematician and Western sidereal astrologer. Iceland - Jun 17 1944 2pm Reykjavik. PALLAS OPPOSITE SUN Rand Paul - Like father,.. Henry David Thoreau - "Civil Disobedience" Joe Arpaio - American former law enforcement officer and politician. Gab beta launch - Aug 15 2016 3p San Mateo CA. Greece - Jul 24 1974 4am Athens. Irving Louis Horowitz - Sociologist. PALLAS TRINE SUN Ratification of American Bill of Rights - It's less clear when these rights became un-ratified... Bill Clinton - Ex-president. Pat Buchanan - Conservative champion. Ben Carson - Neurosurgeon and conservative politician. Steven Crowder - Right-wing commentator/comedian. Dianne Feinstein - Politician. Arianna Huffington - Left-wing media mogul. Jack Hunter - Conservative pundit. Samuel Edward Konkin III - Libertarian/agorist philosopher. PALLAS SQUARE SUN Alexander Hamilton - Statesman, politician, "Founding Father". Ann Coulter - Conservative pundit. Lee Harvey Oswald - American spy. Wesley Clark - American warrior/politician. Tom Cotton - Politician. Bill Ayers - Activist/terrorist. Douglas Coe - Evangelical power-broker. Walter Block - Libertarian theorist. Brian Doherty - Libertarian journalist. Jack Dorsey - Twitter/Square founder. Gustave Eiffel - Architect. Enabling Act of 1889 - US expansion, Dakota split. First Episcopal Bishop Elected - Mar 25 1783 Woodbury CT. John T. Flynn - Anti-FDR journalist. Francisco Franco - Politician. Emma Goldman - Left-anarchist. Alan Greenspan - Federal Reserve chairman. Che Guevara - Revolutionary poster-boy. Chuck Hagel - Politician. Ronald Hamowy - Libertarian scholar. Thom Hartmann - Progressive commentator. Raymond C. Hoiles - Libertarian-leaning newspaper publisher. Herbert Hoover - Politician. Steven Horwitz - Austrian School economist. Christian Howes - Jazz violinist. Saddam Hussein - Politician. PALLAS QUINTILE SUN Newt Gingrich - Politician. Max Horkheimer - Frankfurt School theorist. Queen Elizabeth II - Monarch. PALLAS SEXTILE SUN Jeffrey Epstein - Financier/pedophile/spy. Joseph Farah - Conservative journalist. Jim Garrison - Investigator of JFK assassination. Hermann Goering - Nazi. Alan Grayson - Liberal American politician. Hawaii - (US statehood Aug 21 1959 10:10 Honolulu). Georg Wilhelm Friedrich Hegel - Philosopher. Atom Bombing of Hiroshima - Aug 6 1945 8:15am. Christopher Hitchens - Anti-theist. Adolf Hitler - Politician. Humanae Vitae - Papal encyclical on birth control etc. PALLAS SESQUIQUADRATE SUN Ram Dass - Spiritual teacher. Jim DeMint - US Senator. Daniel Ellsberg - Pentagon whistleblower. Francis Fukuyama - Political theorist. Gay Marriage SCOTUS Ruling - Jun 26 2015 10am DC. Germany - May 5 1955 12pm Bonn. PALLAS SEMISQUARE SUN Glenn Greenwald - Journalist. Germaine Greer - Radical feminist. Kamala Harris - Politician. Melissa Harris-Perry - Academic/pundit. David Icke - Conspiracy theory king. PALLAS NOVILE SUN Doris Kearns Goodwin - Political biographer. Christiaan Huygens - Mathematician, physicist, astronomer, inventor. PALLAS QUINCUNX SUN Prescott Bush - Banker, politician, patriarch. Matt Drudge - Internet news king. Timothy Geithner - Obama Treasury Secretary. William Godwin - Utilitarian/anarchist philosopher. Lindsey Graham - Politician. Hungary 1989 - Oct 23 1989 Budapest. PALLAS PARALLEL SUN George Carlin - Comedian and social critic. Richard Branson - Businessman Murray Bookchin - Anarchist theorist Gilbert Bourdin - Founder of "Aumism" religion Detroit - Former tech Meccha. Colorado Amendment 64 - Marijuana law. America First Committee - 1940 anti-war movement. Confederate States of America - Conquered republic. Nicolaus Copernicus - Scientist. Ram Dass - Spiritual teacher. David Duke - "White Power" crusader. Daniel Ellsberg - Pentagon whistleblower. Facebook - Feb 4 2004 3pm Harvard MA. 1st US Slave Ship Lands - Aug 25 1619 1206p Hampton VA. Betty Friedan - Feminist. Alexander Hamilton - Statesman, politician, "Founding Father". Baron Haussmann - Renovator of Paris. Arianna Huffington - Left-wing media mogul. PALLAS CONTRAPARALLEL SUN Dwight Eisenhower - Politician/warrior. Dan Creshaw - Eyepatch-wearing politician. Irving Fisher - Celebrity economist. Florida - Mar 3 1845 10:45am Tallahassee. George Floyd - Criminal / leftist martyr. Republican Party - Feb 28 1854 9pm Ripon WI. Al Gore - Global Warming propheteer. Daniel Hannan - Conservative politician. ART/ENTERTAINMENTPALLAS CONJUNCT SUN Johann Sebastian Bach - Pretty much invented Western classical music. John Lennon - "War is over if you want it". Bruce Springsteen - Political rock god. Madonna - Pop icon. Clint Eastwood - Cinema icon. Portrays warriors. Julia Child - Chef and spy. Paula Deen - Celebrity chef. William Moulton Marston - Inventor of Wonder Woman. And lie detectors? Terry Bozzio - Rock drumming icon and innovator. Marion Zimmer Bradley - Fantasy fiction icon. Lauren Cohan - Actress - plays characters that fight. Bobby Fischer - Chess wizard. Andrea Gehrz - Astrologer. Jian Ghomeshi - Musician/broadcaster. Mel Gibson - Actor/director. Anne Hathaway - Actress. L Ron Hubbard - Founder of Scientology. Henrik Ibsen - Playwright. PALLAS OPPOSITE SUN Bill Cosby - Comedian. Bob Dylan - Singer/songwriter. PALLAS TRINE SUN TS Eliot - Poet. Jackie Chan - Martial arts superstar. Kim Dickens - Actress. Stephane Grappelli - Jazz violinist. PALLAS SQUARE SUN Herbie Hancock - Jazz piano superstar. Boy George - Pop singer. Walt Disney - Film producer. George Cukor - Film director. Stuart Hall - TV/radio presenter / pedophile. Charlton Heston - Actor/activist. Oscar de la Hoya - Champion boxer. PALLAS SEXTILE SUN Robert Downey Jr - "Iron Man" actor. Megan Fox - Actress/model. Neil Gaiman - Author. Janeane Garofalo - Actress/comedian. Cary Grant - Film star. Dick Gregory - Comedian/activist. Robert Hand - Astrologer. Rita Hayworth - Film star. PALLAS SEPTILE SUN Grimes - Pop musician. Walter Gropius - Bauhaus architect. PALLAS NOVILE SUN HAL 9000 - Urbana, Illinois, January 12, 1992. PALLAS QUINCUNX SUN David Duchovny - "X-Files" actor. James Gunn - Filmmaker. Victor Hugo - Romantic author. PALLAS SESQUIQUADRATE SUN Tom Hanks - Actor. Linda Hamilton - "Terminator" actress. Aaron Hernandez - Athlete/murderer. PALLAS PARALLEL SUN Roseanne Barr - Outspoken actress, comedian, writer, producer, and politician. Bono (U2) - Politically active rock star. L Ron Hubbard - Founder of Scientology. Ice Cube - Rapper/actor. PALLAS CONTRAPARALLEL SUN Johnny Cash - Country music legend. Ani DiFranco - Indie music legend. Dick Gregory - Comedian/activist. Write to me at "alan" + "@" + "". Interpreting Pallas HOME |